
Body Image in America

 By Kaitlyn Berta. 


Body image standards in America have always been unreachable and unrealistic. Society decides what is accepted as attractive, which for generations has triggered insecurities, mental illnesses, suicide, depression, bullying, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, low-self esteem, anxiety, shaming, and bondage. Why can’t everyone be beautiful and confident in their own skin? The influence body image has on America is powerful and will continue to cause damage to people until we accept diversity.


By Dalton Meeker.


For this months' piece, I'd like to focus on something that is been ravaging the country for the past few months that has devastated thousands of people and their communities: 

Coronavirus......ahh, nope

Racism......that's a good answer, but not this time


Tornados......there we go. We're going to talk about tornadoes, big swirly windy funnels that go whoosh whoosh. Tornadoes are never an enjoyable experience. They may look cool, but you do not want to get in their way. Now, it may see mundane to talk about something that no human being can control. Which to a degree is completely correct? Tornadoes are a unique weather pattern that can cause imminent destruction wherever they go. Because of their immense destruction, including 2 people were killed and dozens of structures destroyed just last week in Louisiana, and the last of media coverage and federal legislation on safety, it seems that it would be good to talk about them: exactly what they are, why they are so damaging, what the government can do it about.

Welcome Orion Lerners to another publication of Orion Papers. This week we have a new writer, Merritt Blong, so be sure check her short op-ed out titled "Ignorance is Bliss'! We have a rage of stories from the continuation of Esther Hernandez's "Outcast" series to Dalton Meeker's in-depth take on chapstick. We hope you enjoy these weeks paper, thank you!


Ignorance is BlissIgnorance is Bliss 1

By Merritt Blong

As a teen in the 21st century, we are exposed to things unlike the world has ever seen. Is it harder though? I believe so. Never before our generation has news been made so available, or “social media” been made so acceptable. As young people we are forming new perspectives and outlooks but should we have access to so many means of influence? Will we be firm in our beliefs as we age or will we be easily swayed?