
Since the beginning of time, impossible beauty standards have been written in stone like staying young, lighting the insecurity of aging.  Young is beautiful, young is handsome, young will fit me in with society. It’s always been about the crave to look young and acceptable. The cure for aging has always been on the hunt. Without it, humans rely on things like anti-aging creams, pills, botox, diets, makeup, and lasering. Although recently researchers are finding the secrets to what could lead to a cure for aging. This has even started the extreme claim that the first person to live up to 1,000 years old is among us, how could this be true?

Since researchers have not developed a cure for staying young, yet, the anti-aging market is the next best option. Satista, a statistics program, has estimated the global anti-aging market to be worth about 58.8 billion U.S dollars as of 2020 and by 2030 it’s estimated to be around 422.8 billion U.S dollars. But things might take a huge turn by 2035 because of what scientists are uncovering.

In 2017, the average life expectancy of Americans was 78 years old, by 2060 it's projected to be 85 years old but with this new breakthrough from the Sens Research Foundation, the actual life expectancy will be much higher. Aubrey de Grey, PhD, a biomedical gerontologist, believes there is a code for “immortality.” And he has found that a part of the code is stem cell therapy; a therapy that introduces new healthy cells into the body to replace the old and diseased cells. 

Aging is essentially the body's reaction to functioning consistently non-stop. With no off switch, the breaking down of the body begins as soon as life begins. The way Dr. de Grey compares his theory is how cars last. Cars aren’t made to last forever but at least for up to 10 years. So, with this fact known, how are there still cars working superbly from 100 years ago? The answer is simple, it’s because of preventative maintenance. 

Something that has been helping researchers is studying “super-agers.” These people live exceptionally long with many cases having been people who are still in perfect condition by the age of eighty which gives them an extra kick of life to last into their hundreds. They’re gaining much data from the DNA contained in these people. But there are many more components that are being studied for the furthering of this operation like drugs. With reverse aging advancing so much, Dr. de Grey predicts that we will have a treatment that ensures us 20 or more years of life within the next 15 years

Elon Musk even backed up the possibility of interfering with aging in an interview where he said, “I mean, I think with enough effort that’s not too crazy, you could probably stop aging, reverse it if you want… You can turn someone into a freaking butterfly if you want with the right DNA sequence.” Even though Elon doesn’t spend his life studying everything about human anatomy, that doesn’t mean he’s not an intelligent man and we should discredit his perspective here.

So, what would happen if scientists succeed in their search for prolonged youth? Is living longer than a normal life span worth it? No, death is essential for a healthy ecosystem, and without it, the earth would be overpopulated. Maybe an extra 20-25 years is exceptional but more than that would have a horrible impact on life as we know it. The selfishness of wanting to stay young is not worth the consequences it would create for our future. Overpopulation would cause chaos, over-demanding in every aspect, and would ultimately change our perception of time itself. Aging should be embraced; no fountain of youth is needed to be beautiful. White hair and wrinkles have a story, it’s proof of your existence and life. If we get used to extending our life, when will we ever face death, accept death? It will just make us run from it. 

All that’s left is to wait. Scientists have a great explanation and idea of what they’re doing, so now we wait for them to come forth with the destruction of life.

Why is Orion named Orion?



When you came into this school, have you’ve ever wondered why Orion is named Orion? Well, in this article that is exactly what I will be answering today. Sit back and relax, while we go into the origins of Orion High School. 



This origin story begins with Dr.Gallegos (our principal) who was in a state of people who weren’t too fond of him. One night, while Dr.Gallegos was in bed, woke up in the middle of the night, he saw the star constellation of Orion! A man that was once a valuable and trusted hunter of Artemis (Greek Mythology) Dr.Gallegos saw it in the beautiful night star, as the star glistened in the night, as he made a decision to go his own way and build up this school to where it is today! 



Well, folks now you know why Orion is named Orion! It’s all thanks to our principal Dr.Gallegos! I hope this information was interesting and/or helpful to you in any way possible! Until next time, see you in the next article! 

Florida seems to be in the national news All. The. Time. It is the state that is mentioned in the political realm all the time and it is either praised or criticized all the time. People either love it or hate it. According to journalist Leila Macor, Americans have, especially after the uptick in Covid cases, a love-hate relationship with it. 

So, with continuous media coverage, a divided country with polar opposites on it, and an allegedly laissez-faire approach to the pandemic, I thought it might be worth looking at Florida and try to answer three basic questions: Why do people love/hate Florida, why does the media have such a fixation on it, and what can we do going forward when we talk about it. 

Around Orion High School

By Esther Hernandez

Bad Environment 

You may have noticed that I had made a poll called “Why did you go to Orion?.” I made the options of Bad Environments, Traveling Reasons, Fresh new start, and others. esther hernandez biopicEsther Hernandez-Author and Writer for The Orion Papers

Unfortunately, many people voted “Bad environment.” Which is sad to see. Even for the people who didn’t vote on the poll, I’m sure they had it unimaginably rough. It’s very somber to know that people had to flee after such damage.