
Rescuing Prom

By-Kaitlyn Berta 

The time has come, it’s the week of prom! Everybody is planning their rides, buying their outfits, and getting their dates. Monarch Academy is fuming with excitement and impatience. I was walking the halls when I saw Elise’s high blonde ponytail swishing side to side flying towards me, “Hey, Cleo! Do you want to go shopping with me tonight for our dresses?” I was definitely not going to say no, “Yes, of course! Does 6 o'clock work?” Elise smiles huge, “Yep, that’s perfect, I’ll pick you up then. Got to get to class, bye!” School was out and nobody was in a rush to leave since they were all talking about what fun this weekend was going to be, except for me because I needed to get home to clean the chandeliers; all 6 of them. I ran through the arched gate then across the garden and finally through the doors, I was home.  Oh no it’s already 4, “Tling, tling”, “Shh, squeak”, Finished! I ran, got some new clothes on, grabbed my credit card, and slid down the rail of the stairs. “Beep, beep”, Elise was there, ready to go! When we arrived at the mall, there were what seemed like thousands of girls running around to find their perfect dress. Elise and I zoomed through the crowds and got to our favorite store, The Queens Seamstress. Immediately, I locked eyes with the dress that was beyond my dreams. A pastel pink matte dress with lace layer detailing and small shiny gems following the bottom of the dress’s seams. “ Wow, Cleo! You look so beautiful in that dress! It compliments your shiny black hair and icy blue eyes, magically. Not to mention, it matches your natural blush, perfectly.” I smiled blissfully and gazed at my reflection again. 


Chapter 2: A New Friend 

by Esther Hernandez


Once again, Sam wakes up and gets ready for another plain day. Sam goes downstairs to see her father getting ready for work, they greet each as Mr. Campbell reminds Sam the rules of the house, she is to her to do her to do her work diligently. A voice calls that breakfast is ready, Mr. Campbell quickly grabs his meal and tells Sam that he loves her. Whith the shut of a door, Mr.Campbell leaves and Sam is left alone. Sam gets her eggs and begins her work.


Later that day, Sam decides to take a break walks to her room. On her way she noticed some of the rosebushes moving outside the hallway window, and quietly snuck over to go investigate. As she slowly walked towards the bush she noticed familiar looking hoof sticking out. “That looks like the same one from the news yesterday,” Sam thought. She crept closer and closer to the window, her heart racing at the thought of what laid in the rosebush. Her mind raced. Fear began to slow her steps. She approached the bush and began to reach her hand out to reveal what laid beyond it then suddenly a girl jumped out. Sam was stunned, for the strange girl manage to jump 6 feet way from her, landing in a fighting position. “Oh my God!,” Sam screamed as she looked at the girl's abnormal anatomy became apparent to Sam. Above the stranger's waist was a of a normal human being, but below was a goat-like. She had straight, dark hair, deep brown eyes, and tanned skin. Her body was extremely skinny and the hair of her legs were a soft brown. “What are you looking at?” The goat girl asked. “Nothing it’s just-”


Hello. As you might know, the type of topics that I cover are not particularly lighthearted or humorous, but I want to briefly talk about something that is near to my, let's say, heart, and that is Chapstick. Specifically, why there isn't enough types of lip balm. Not in the sense of flavors or numbers, although that could be the case, I don't go roaming store aisles looking for Chapstick because, ya know, Amazon, more why there are not enough good types of Chapstick. 



So first, I'm not going to tell you the history of Chapstick because that would be a waste of time, even though you probably are wasting your time on reading about Chapstick, which, good for you!


For the most part, Chapstick comes in singular boring tubes, like the example above or near, I don't know how the pictures will play out. Or, if you're lucky, you could find the egg shaped Chapstick. The problem that I have right now is that these Chapstick's are ABSOULUTE GARBAGE. They only help your lips for like 8 minutes and then you're screwed again. Plus, these crappy Chapstick's are full of bad ingredients and are definitely not natural. 

With the exception of one glorious shining star: Burt's Bees. 

Burt's Bees are the Barrett Jackson of Chapstick. They are objectively the best. Vitamin E and Peppermint make them shine. The beeswax in the lip balm makes the protection form chapped lips last much longer than the boring and terrible other Chapstick's. Which brings me to my point: THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH CHAPSTICKS LIKE BURT'S BEES. More companies need to make good Chapstick. Use beeswax or whatever, something that doesn't me go, "Huh, I just threw $12 into a paper shredder for buying these licentious lip balms. Conclusively, to all the companies who are probably not reading this, make better Chapstick, throw away all the junk you idiots keep selling and do better. Local sellers are nearly at the crest of Chapstick perfection. It's time for the masses to get the right balm. 

That's all from me. I'll be back in the next few weeks with a more depressing story, probably covering housing cooperatives or the economy of Lichtenstein; something like that. 

Our story here concerns the highest body of law and justice in the United States: The Supreme Court. Now, I know what you are thinking: Dalton, WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME LEARN ABOUT SOMETHING I DON'T GIVE A RIP OF?????!!!!! Well, first that's kind of hostile, and second, if you have been paying any sort of attention to the news in the past few weeks, you probably will see a bunch of headlines about showdowns in Congress and the "fragile" state that it is in. And with the recent retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer and Senate Republicans/Democrats squabbling over the idea of placing a Black woman on the court, it would be of vital importance to talk about the Supreme Court today. Mainly, we'll try to answer a few very basic questions: Why is it important to learn about the SCOTUS, what is the impact SCOTUS has had in America, and moving forward on how we can fix any problems the Court has, and there are a lot of problems.