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Steps for Credit Transfer

Step 1
Step 1: Select your credit transfer course(s) from the catalogue! Tell us where your transcript will go! Add to cart!
Step 2
Step 2: Check out! As part of check out, you will create your user account (user name and password)
Step 3
Step 3: After checkout, you are logged in. Click 'go to class' and select Orientation and Induction from the Course Catalogue (we'll send you an email)
Step 4
Step 4: Finish Orientation, and your course will begin on the 1st day of the month!

Summer-sault into Credit Transfer Courses!

Here comes the Orion High School Summer 2024 Sessions!  All Summer Sessions are two months long, and they begin on the 1st day of the month and end on the last day of the second month.  When you register, you should register at least two weeks before the session begins so that you will have enough time to complete the Orientation Course in preparation.  If you have previously taken a Credit Transfer Course with us, you do not have to repeat Orientation, but you need to update any information in your profiles prior to requesting.

Summer Sessions include all credit transfer courses and dual credit courses!

Each session is two months long, and students who are desiring to start on any of the sessions must register in advance (at least two weeks in advance), in order to have time to complete the required Orientation Course, which will prepare them for their start. Please note that AP and Dual Credit Courses are also two-months long.  Here are the upcoming Sessions:

Session Start Date End Date Recommended by Date for Enrollment Coupon for session?
Summer Session 1 May 1, 2024 June 29 (the 30th is for mentors to submit final grades) April 1-25 OHSSUMMER01 (50.00 off your cart!)
Summer Session 2 June 1, 2024 July 30 (the 31st is for mentors to submit final grades) May 1-25 OHSSUMMER02 (30.00 off your cart!)
Summer Session 3 July 1, 2024 August 29 (the 30th is for mentors to submit final grades) June 1-25 Come back soon!

In order to begin the Credit Transfer enrollment process select your courses from the box/menu at the right.  Once you have placed the courses into your cart, go to "View Cart" where you can enter the coupon code.  If you already have a user account with us, log in to finish the process (do not create a new one).  If you do not have a user account with us, you will create yours when you check out, so make sure that you put the student's email address (that will be the user name).

Credit Transfer courses are courses that students in other schools or home school may opt to take at Orion High School.  Once finished, the credit is transferred to the student's school.  Credit transfer courses may be taken one at a time, or two at a time. Two is the maximum that can be taken during the term.

How Does it Work?

The process is simple.  A student wishing to take a credit transfer course, may peruse the course catalogue, and select the course.  During the checkout process, the student will create a user account (user name and password - the user name will be the email address).  When the transaction is finished, the student will log in, and will enroll into the Orion High School Orientation Course.  Before finishing the Orientation Course, the student will request the course or courses.  The course or courses will begin on the first day of the following month, and will end on the last day of the second month.  All courses including AP and Dual Credit Courses are two months long.  Dual Credit Courses must be completed within the two months, no exceptions.  All other courses may be extended into the third month with good cause, and payment of the extension fee.

Credit Transfer Course Types:

Full Credit Courses - these are courses taken for the first time, and are awarded 1 full credit by Orion High School.

Semester A or Semester B Courses - These are 1/2 credit courses that  a student may have taken and failed in the past. 

Advanced Placement - These are College Board approved AP courses, and are three months long.  AP Courses are awarded 1 credit and the GPA is weighted because of the rigor of the course. 

Credit Recovery - Credit Recovery Courses are the same as Semester A or Semester B Above

World Languages - World Languages courses are not offered as Credit Recovery, only full credit. 

AS and A Level - These are three month courses, and are treated similarly to AP Courses at Orion.  These are Internationally aligned courses, which allow students to take and qualify for exams in their jurisdiction.

Career and Technical Education Courses - These are full credit CTE courses.

Dual Credit Courses - These courses are the high school course, but taken with one of our university partners for dual credit. 


A Note About World Languages

World Languages courses may not be taken simultaneously.  Each course lasts two months, and we do not allow the second course to start until after the end of the second month.  For example:  Spanish 1- January 1/February 28; Spanish 2-March 1-April 30.

Grades 6-7-8

While we typically do not offer courses for these grade levels, we can offer them.  Parents who have students in these grade levels should contact Orion for any requests, such as 6-7-8 Health, PE, or any core courses.

Tuition & Fees

Individual courses are charged at a per course tuition rate as follows (these prices include credit recovery courses):

All courses start on the 1st day of the month, and end on the last day of the second month.

Refund Policy

Orion High School acknowledges that online learning is not for everyone and that there are cases when a student may wish to withdraw from a course. Orion High School offers a full refund if the course is dropped within 5 days of purchase/start of Orientation.  There are no refunds after 5 days of purchase.

Credit Recovery Courses

Credit Recovery courses ("CR courses") allow students the ability to earn credit for a course they previously attempted but did not earn credit for. Here are two possible scenarios where CR courses would be useful:

Norma is a competitive beatboxer and spends a lot of time out of school for competitions. Recently, her school sent her parent's a letter saying that she missed too many days of school this year and cannot earn credit for any of her courses although Norma has all A's. 

In this case, Norma could take up to two CR courses a session during the summer at Orion High School and earn up to 6 credits before school starts in August. 

Joe's family planned a vacation in Las Vegas and it is too late to cancel the trip. A week before the trip, Joe's grandmother received Joe's final report card in the mail and learned he failed English III, Algebra II, and Art I. Joe's grandmother doesn't know what to do, because Joe's schedule for next year is already created and he needs these courses to graduate. 

In this case, Joe could take English III in the June Session, Algebra II in July Session, and Art I in the August Session during the summer at Orion High School and earn these credits for the upcoming school year. 

Core, Elective, and AP® Courses

Orion's Course Catalog includes core, elective, and Advanced Placement® ("AP®") courses that can be completed in as little as one month during the summer at Orion High School. Here are two possible scenarios where these courses would be useful:

Jeanne recently moved from El Paso, Texas to Midland, Texas and learned that the school does not have Psychology that Jeanne wants to take for her Arts and Humanities Social Studies Endorsement. It is too late for Jeanne to pursue another endorsement, and Jeanne's new school requires and endorsement be earned for graduation to be able to walk the stage. 

In this case, Jeanne would be able to take Psychology at Orion High School during any summer session and would be able to earn her endorsement. 

Daniel's school offer's a local series of courses in aviation where students operate drones for various tasks. Daniel wants to free up next year's schedule so that he can take two of these courses rather than Geometry and English II.

In this case, Daniel could take Geometry in the June Session and English II in the July Session during the summer at Orion High School to earn these credits for the upcoming school year and be able to pursue his interest in aviation. 

Transferring Credit

For students in Texas, Orion High School will transfer the records through the Texas Records Exchange, automatically upon completion.

Orion High School has worked with schools across the nation to transfer course credit for courses completed by students over the summer. As an accredited private school, Orion High School has access to the same electronic systems public schools use and codes courses to avoid confusion during the transfer. When a student enrolls for a summer session at Orion High School, we simply collect the information about the school they wish for us to send the credit to. When the course is completed, we enter the information onto a transcript and send the record to the student's school. If the school has any questions or concerns, our experienced staff will work with the school to ensure the credit is successfully transferred and applied. 

Although we are an accredited private school and align our courses to rigorous standards, schools may sometimes not understand summer coursework completed at other schools. We strongly suggest you speak to your counselor before you commit to taking any online courses with any school or program.